Covid- 19 Vaccinated
Covid- 19 Vaccinated

Terms and Conditions


In these Conditions, “Customer” means the customer, or any agent or authorized carrier notified by the Customer.

Governing Condition:

These conditions of supply: (a) govern all supply of goods & services by Alliance: (b) supersede all prior representations & agreements between the parties about the supply of goods and services: (c) will not be altered by any Customer document or statement: and (d) and may only be altered in writing signed by Alliance.


Alliance will invoice the Customer on delivery of the goods & services at Alliance prices current on the delivery date.


The Customer can either pay cash, credit card (VISA. MasterCard, Bank Card only) or by cheque drawn by a bank as defined in the Banking Act 1959 (Cth): (a) Alliance’s invoices on or prior to delivery of the goods & services unless credit facilities have been approved by Alliance & notified in writing (b) interest on overdue amounts, calculated daily at a rate of 14% per year (or other rate notified by Alliance from time to time or stated in the invoice or statement) from the date of the invoice until the date of payment. The Customer must not set off against any amount owing by the Customer or any amount claimed to be owing by Alliance (unless otherwise agreed in writing by Alliance).

Risk & Title:

The parties agree that property in the goods & services passes to the Customer when the goods & services (the subject of this Agreement and all other goods & services) supplied by Alliance to the Customer have been paid for in full. Until then, the goods remain the property of Alliance. The goods & services are at the Customer’s risk immediately on dispatch and or delivery to the Customer.

Exclusion and Limitations:

Alliance excludes all terms, conditions and warranties implied under any statue except any implied condition or warranty the exclusion of which would contravene any statute or cause any part of this clause to be void (‘Nonexcludable Condition*), Alliance’s liability to the Customer for breach of any express provision of this Agreement or any Nonexcludable Condition (other than an implied warranty of title) is limited, at Alliance’s option, to providing, replacing or repairing those goods or providing those services again. Nothing in these Conditions of Supply limits Alliance’s liability to a consumer (as defined in the Trade Practices Act 1974) of goods or services of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption.

Customer Default:

If: (a) the customer fails to pay when due any amount owing to Alliance: (b) any step is taken to enter into arrangement between the Customer & its Creditors: (c) the Customer ceases to be able to pay its debts as they become due or to carry on business: or (d) any step is taken to appoint a receiver, a received & manager, a trustee in bankruptcy, a liquidator, a provisional liquidator, an administrator or other like person of or to the whole or any part of the Customer’s assets or business- Alliance may do any or all of the following (in addition to any other rights Alliance may have): – require the Customer to pay immediately all amounts invoiced but unpaid or to pay in advance or on delivery: – suspend or cease supplying goods & services to the Customer(whether or not the Customer has ordered goods or Services that have not yet been supplied): or – enter the Customer’s premises, take possession of and resell any goods owned by Alliance or: assign the Customers debt to a collection agency for the purposes of recovering all outstanding amounts (including any interest incurred on overdue amounts and associated costs of debt recovery), or: advise a licensed Credit Reporting Agency of the outstanding debt.

Health & Safety Information:

You must advise us of any pets or of any personal or family / staff allergies or other concerns.

Any persons who are particularly sensitive, or who suffer from allergic reactions, should, as a matter of precaution, remain out of the premises for a period of 24 hours & not return until after the premises have been fully ventilated. You must remove of protect any people, animals, birds or fish during the treatment period. You must cover all food items & all food utensils. You must avoid contact with treated services until the control agent has dried. You must observe any verbal advice provided by our firm or our licensed operator at the time of treatment. You must ensure your premises are properly ventilated after treatment. Leave air conditioners on ‘vent mode’ (so they circulate outside air into the building) for period of at four least hours after the treatment or after re-occupying.

Payment Terms & Details of Warranty Service Period:

if during the course of the program it is found that structural or environmental conditions prevent us performing any sections of the Management Program then the warranty / free service period or the cost of the treatment program may have to be reviewed. Unless specific written arrangements have been provided the full contract, price shall be due & payable & recoverable by this firm on commencement of the initial treatment. Any warranty / free service period shall be null & void unless all monies due & payable to Precision have been paid in full within the standard terms of business above. Where a warranty / free service period has been provided then, upon notification by you, we agree to provide you with any remedial treatment (s) as may be required to the property as nominated above. Any free service period is conditional upon you notifying us of signs of pest infestation. No responsibility is accepted, or warranty implied, for any damages or consequential losses that may occur as the result of past, current or future pest activity. The proposed treatment program only applies to the pest species named on page one (1). The program does not provide protection against any other pests.

Treatment Details & Control Agents:

Only control agents approved by the Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority & registered for use by the relevant State or Territory Registration Authority shall be applied by licensed persons in accordance with the *directions for use’ label. While every care will be taken, the contractor will not be held liable should staining of timbers, fabrics, wall coverings, floor coverings or any other articles occur.

Warning: where drilling & or cutting is required: no liability is accepted should damage result to concealed services such as power, gas, water, etc. you indemnify Us against any cost that may arise from such possible damages. Clear & accurate plans should be provided by you before we commence. You accept this pest management program can be rendered ineffective if you fail to implement our recommended hygiene procedures, by making building alterations or by the introduction of conducive or infested materials.

Termites & Other Timber Pests:

This program does not cover treatment for termites (white ants) or any other timber pests.

We strongly recommend that you should arrange to have your property inspected for termites at least once every twelve (12) months & preferably every three (3) to six (6) months as recommend in the Australian Standards AS 3600 Protection of buildings from subterranean termites & AS 4349.3 Inspection of Buildings – timber pest inspections. A termite or timber pest inspection can be arranged upon request & is recommended.

Disclaimer of Liability to Third Parties:

This pest management program is provided solely for the benefit of the Client named overleaf. No liability or responsibility whatsoever, in contract or tort, is accepted to any third party who may rely on the treatment or proposal wholly or in part. Any third party acting or relying on this treatment does so at their own risk

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